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Seasons of Disorder | Media


Seasons of Disorder Interview

Creator David Brewer discusses the developing series.

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Abby is at her first day of work in hospice and is thrust into the world of Debbie Keating, a lifelong alcoholic who is having trouble coming to grips with her physical state.

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This scene depicts a young child (Sammy) who is terminal and being raised by a single father. When his ex-wife shows up unexpectedly, he must come to terms with the truth, but who holds the truth?

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Young David and his brother are confronted by several neighborhood kids.

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Abby Lloyd has just come under attack. A panic attack to be specific and clings to the bathroom stall walls inside MorningWood Lumber and endures a chatty co-worker.

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When Abby's mother feels left out of her life, she decides to fake an accident to coax her back in.

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When Abby is first stricken with overwhelming anxiety, she visits her family doctor.."the Wolf".

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When Abby confronts the Dannie, the daughter of one of her terminally ill patients about stealing medication, things become heated.

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Abby is lost en route to a patient's house..

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Dr. Stephen Jannies has become synonymous with bringing the fight to anxiety and panic disorder through his 13 step self-help DVD entitled Wanted: An Anxiety Free You!

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Coming to terms with the end of life.

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