
Eight reasons to be excited about Square8 in 2016!
February 2016
2016 promises to be the biggest year ever for Square8 Productions with so many great projects to look forward to. Here are eight reasons we are excited and you should be too!
1. Talks of a Seasons of Disorder feature film are in the works as the script outline is already underway!
2. Son of a Gun is a true (mid) Western tale set in rural Kentucky and primed for a Fall 2016 shoot!
3. DJ Christ and They Know are two exciting horror films that will look to turn the genre on it's head.
4. Square8 is looking at several collaborative projects with other production teams. One worth checking out now is Tornado Vs. Volcano. A joint venture with Square8 and Modern Day Jane Films.
5. November of this year will be the five year anniversary of Square8 Productions and you can expect many suprises around that time!
6. A yet to be titled comedy surrounding one insane night at a 25 year high school reunion looks to surface as a feature length screenplay loaded up for a spring shopping.
7. Serious groundwork is in place to possibly head a local film festival in this area by 2017! A film festival not only for the filmmaker but the film lover as well!
8. Also at the end of this year is the 5 year anniversay of our first release, Nothing in the Flowers. Expect a special edition release along with many new, and never before seen footage right here!

Tonight, God is a DJ
January 2016
When a down and out club deejay uncovers a mysterious crate of records underneath the floorboards of his new apartment, he soon discovers that they hold a mesmorizing trance on its listener that gives him unusual sway over them. However, being a "god" comes at a price that he may soon come to regret. DJ Christ is the name of a science fiction/horror feature in development for a 2016/2017 release.

Do you know They Know?
November 2015
They Know is a horror/mystery feature that is being developed for 2016/2017 release. It is the story of ex- Marine Victor Conn who hides a terrible tragedy that took place during an operation in Pakistan as he readjusts to civilian life back home. When he experiences several unexplainable and frightening phenomenons that mimic his darkets fears, it becomes clear that his battle scars are not the only thing he had brought home.

Seasons of Disorder seeks a home
June 2015
Nearly an hour of test footage is available to watch on the SOD page under media. The goal was to gather the best of the best from what was shot yet still show the diversity and "big picture" of the concept. After several seeminly promising meetings with film investors both local and out of state, we have been unable to lock up a signifigant deal worthy of this project. Square 8 would like to thank the many cast and crew members who helped shape what we believe will be a fantastic series once it finds a place where it can flourish!

Tornado Vs. Volcano Premieres Saturday, March 7th at the Grand Film Festival.
March 2015
Square8 Productions and Modern Day Jane Films have collaborated for this dark short film that will debut at the 2nd annual Grand Film Festival. Information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1552496711675212/

Roshambo web series to launch this evening, Friday, February 13th!
February 2015
The Roshambo web series will premiere right here @ 9 p.m. EST
Future episodes will be found on this page as well.

Seasons of Disorder production launch set for June 8.
May 2014
The first day of shooting is right around the corner, launching the pilot for our television series, Seasons of Disorder. WIth a solidified production crew, an amazing cast and bold roads to travel, we are more than ready to begin work on bringing this series to life. There has been a lot of work and adjustments made over the last 4 months but there is no looking back. Stay tuned for updates, screen shots and interviews.

Seasons of Disorder has found it's Abby
May 2014
We are proud to announce the addition of Stephanie Wyatt to the cast of Seasons of Disorder as the centerpiece character, Abby Lloyd. Stephanie is a gifted writer, actor and producer. Having starred in several independant films such as Coasting and her directorial debut On June 5th, Jane's Everlasting Heart Condition. Be sure and catch the premiere sceening information Here!

Maxwell Edison to screen at Crypticon in Minneapolis this fall.
March 2014
After succesful screenings in Spain, Russia, the Netherlands, Canada and Houston Texas, Maxwell rolls out to the great north to be shown at the Crypticon Horror Festival in Minneapolis, MN. The convention runs from October 24-26. You can get show and ticket info right here!

First Round Auditions were a hit for Seasons of Disorder
March 2014
On Sunday, March 9th, we saw some of the best talent and the region and several of these will be slotted into the series over the next two weeks, so keep your eyes here for the latest updates.

Meadow Ryann Releases e.p.
February 2014
Meadow Ryann, young star of Nothing in the Flowers has released her e.p. entitled "Brave". It contains five songs including the single "The X-Box Song" and is available for purchase on iTunes.

UK Author Daniel Love Added to Never Wake Me Up Project
February 2014
Just confirmed that noted author Daniel Love is joining the production of Never Wake Me Up as creative consultant. Daniel Love is a British lucid dreaming expert and oneirologist whose book "Are You Dreaming" has solidified his position in the lucid dreaming community worldwide.
Read more about Daniel and lucid dreaming right here.

Release date for Roshambo postponed
February 2014
Due to several setbacks behind the production of Roshambo, the release date is tbd. We will keep you posted on when a date is set but until then check out the Roshambo page for behind the scene photos and the official trailer.
Iron Bells release debut album "Black Gold"
February 2014
Nothing in the Flowers had an outstanding soundtrack, and one of the standouts from that film was the track by Iron Bell's vocalist Demi Demaree entitled "Bed of Thorns". Now you can own a copy of their 10 track debut album through Island Earth Records which features "Skeletons", "Holiday" and of course "Bed of Thorns". We may seemed biased but their is no question that this band is one of the best rock outfits to emerge in the last five years. You can buy it here.