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David Brewer

David Brewer is a writer, director and producer and the founder of Square8 Productions.


David began his film career with the psychological drama, Nothing in the Flowers, which premiered in December of 2011. Working with a small cast and crew and a micro budget, Nothing in the Flowers had multiple screenings with great turnout and it was shown at both the Fright Night Film Festival and the Louisville International Film Festival in 2012.


In mid 2013,  he collaborated with Warren Ray to shoot and co-direct the short film, Maxwell Edison. This was shot for the Stephen King Dollar Baby Project and has been screened all around the world to much acclaim. After a few setbacks in the release of the web series Roshambo, he stayed active by putting together test footage for the television series, Seasons of Disorder and is currently pre-production on his second feature film and developing several more for 2016.





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